Eat Drink Play Fun
玩樂天下無窮". (EC)
EDPF . Script 寫思 . Gallery 相廊 . Wine 最酒 . 5S.b5 . . MoviePlot 戲詭 . Goods .
Now the time is 12/22/2024 2:38:13 AM
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EDPF Activity photo albums:
140822(RK)Hong Kong Computer & Communication Festival
140725(RK)2014 HK Ani Com Expo 動漫節 2014
140525(RK)Shenzhen 深圳 Haka Folk Museum『鶴湖新居』
140426(RK)Hiking行山:東涌 [ShaLoWan沙螺灣] 大澳 16km 120m 4hr SLHI:D**S*G*
140412(RK)Cycling: SheungShui上水 HeSheungHeung河上乡 SunTin 大夫第
140302(RK)GuD Guangzhou 廣州 TIT Creative Ind Zone 創意園
140301(RK)GuD Guangzhou 廣州 Lin Nan Impression 嶺南印象園
140228(RK)GuD Guang Zhou 廣州 Redtory 紅磚廠 藝術與設計工廠
140222(RK)Hiking行山:大風凹 [Cape dAguilar鶴咀] 9km 100m 3hr SLHI:D*S*G*
140111(RK)HKg Tai Po 大埔 Island House 元洲仔 前政務司官邸
140101(RK)Hiking行山: 荃錦坳 田夫仔 [TaiTong大棠] 11km +100m 5hr SLHI:D*S*G*
131228(RK)Hiking行山: 北潭坳 大浪坳 SharpPeak蚺蛇尖468m 11km 8hr SLHI:D*S****G***
131221(RK)Hiking行山: 烏蛟騰 三丫村 [LaiChiWo荔枝窩] 谷埔 鹿頸 14km 200m 5hr SLHI:D**S*G**
131026(RK)Hiking行山: 香港大學HKU [LugardRd盧吉道280m] 山頂廣場 4km 3hr SLHI:D*S*G*
131014(RK)Hiking行山: 荃錦坳 [TaiMoShan大帽山903m] 鉛壙坳 大埔 14km +400m 5hr SLHI:D**S**G**
2013-14 Activity photo albums....
2012-13 Activity photo albums....
2011-12 Activity photo albums....
2010-11 Activity photo albums....
2009-10 Activity photo albums....
2008-09 Activity photo albums....
2007-08 Activity photo albums....
2006-07 Activity photo albums....
Before 2006 Activity photo albums....
EDPF . Script 寫思 . Gallery 相廊 . Wine 最酒 . 5S.b5 . . MoviePlot 戲詭 . Goods .
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The objective of this gallery section is for friends to share ideas,
pictures, news, feelings, and experience. Under any circumstances, neither
web page administrator nor friends are responsible or liable for
any accident or expense or damage or claim suffered by viewing the pictures
or participating any events found in the pictures. All readers shall view
and participate the posted activities at their own risks.
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